We would all think buying for a biohacker would be easy because they’re all about obtaining tools to up-level your health and wellness… Unfortunately, it’s quite the opposite due to an oversaturated market of under performing products.

Luckily for you, I happen to love finding the best of the best biohacking products that are affordable as well. In this list I have linked the best products as well as provided codes for some of them that can give you a discount!

Some of the linked items are affiliate links and I may earn a commission on them. However, that does not prevent me from only using and linking the products I truly think are the best. Most of these products are ones I have gone out of my way to get links for in order to save you all money!

  1. Blue light Blocking Glasses:

    Blue light glasses have been an absolute game changer for my life and I talk about them to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, the $15 one you can find on amazon in a 3 pack are not doing half the work of Bon Charge glasses. Bon Charge has been one of the leading blue light blocking brands for years now, you might even recognize them by their former name, BluBlox.

    I can 100% notice a difference in my sleep and eye strain throughout the day while wearing these. A few of my favorite products of theirs are the Sleep+ glasses, the full spectrum blocking sleep mask, and the red light reading lamp.

    You can use my code COLBYISWELL to save on all the Bon Charge products!

2. Therasage Red Light Sauna:

If you get someone a Therasage sauna for the holidays you are an outstanding and A+ gift giver. Therasage is an affordable, portable, high quality sauna with a list of benefits that I can’t even begin to try to squeeze into this blog post. I also have a code with them - COLBYISWELL and COLBYISWELL20 for black friday and the holidays!

3. Holistic Facial or Microneedling:

If you’re in an area where you have a holistic aesthetician then this is an amazing gift to give the person who needs to take more time for themselves. If you’re in the Boulder, Colorado area then Larissa Day at Larabotanica is your girl for the most relaxing holistic facial with reflexology points. You can prepay for a session for your person!

For something a little more intense you can purchase a microneedling session to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and reduce scarring. If you’re in the Boulder area I highly recommend booking with Lyndsey Frankel at Emerge Radiant. I send tons of my patients to her and they love her!

4. Red Light Bulbs:

Bon Charge not only has amazing blue light blocking glasses but they also have bulbs you can put in the lights in your home to make your home more circadian cycle friendly! In my home we are using red bulbs in our bedroom and bathroom so we aren’t exposing our eyes to bright light at night when the sun is down. These bulbs, as well as the reading light are awesome biohacking gifts.

You can use my code COLBYISWELL to save on all of their products as well!

5. EMF Blocking Device:

It doesn’t get much closer to biohacking than having EMF blockers for your phone, home, wifi router, and back pocket. I’m not exaggerating, Aries Tech literally makes each of these products including a card you an keep on your person to mitigate the negative effects of radiation and EMF. They have amazing research into their products and are on my person holiday list every year.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a code with them yet but I’ll work on it for you all!

6. Danger Coffee:

You may not think of coffee as being a “biohacking” agent but according to Dave Asprey, the father of biohacking, it absolutely is - especially when it’s his personal brand. Danger coffee is triple screened for toxins and mold as well as remineralized to put back in all the goodness of coffee.

I hope my partner doesn’t read this blog because he’s been dying to try this coffee and I’m getting him BAGS of it for his stocking.

7. Grounding Mat:

Grounding or earthing mats are incredible technology that I have been using for years. You can put these mats on your mattress, couch, bed, pillow, or floor and they deliver negative ions to your body to reduce the effect of the bombardment of positive ions we get from wifi, etc.

These mats allow your body to return to a normal charge, similar to how the earth would when you walk on it barefoot! This gift is bound to bring a smile to any biohacker’s face.

8. Barefoot Shoes:

Barefoot shoes allow your feet to spread out and move the way they would if you were walking barefoot on the earth. These are at the top of my list this year as so many people have found relief for foot pain with these.

9. Period Underwear

Last but not least are Thinx period underwear. Now, you might be thinking how are underwear considered biohacking tools? The answer to that would be by the way they are able to save you from exposing your absorbative and sensative areas to countless toxins and endocrine disrupters that can be found in period products.

I have been using Thinx products for years now and recently bought a few more pairs during their black friday sale. I bring these everywhere and haven’t gone a period without them, they’re absolute lifesavers. I can’t rave enough about these, clearly.

You can also use my link to save $10 on your first purchase with them!


